Anger Management... How You Do it ?

Anger is one of the most feared emotions by Human Beings. An angry person can do things that he/she really doesn't want to do.. and often it ends up giving bad results rather than good ones. Sometimes it is said that long time anger is ok but the one that is always bad is being short tempered cos it makes you a monster and force you to do things that you really don't want to do. ( Believe me.. I have experience on that..).So.. it is really important to manage your Anger, at least stop it from happening often.. otherwise you will end up loosing your mind , loosing your friends . loosing the trust you worked hard to build up and more importantly. the love of the people whom you really want to love you and care about you.

What makes you Angry? If you see this Picture in this Post you will realize that. The points in that are so damn true and often those are the facts that makes you loose your temper.

So how can we control Anger? I have done many things to control myself from getting Angry.. Meditation is one solution it's good if you can meditate once a day cos it really heals your mind,stops you from thinking unnecessary things and calms you down when you feel you are getting mad.Another solution is listening to your favorite tunes when you feel that you are getting angry.. Music does heal your Soul ! so always rely on that to make you happy if you feel that you r not in a good mood and is feeling angry just about anything.. Try talking to yourself more and try to find out the outcome of the things you will do when you are angry.. will you loose a friend ? are you doing the right thing or wrong thing? can I solve this issue without being angry ? etc. This kind of talk really helps you to calm yourself during short tempered situations.. and helps you to choose the right path rather than getting mad and going on the wrong one. Also it is good to talk with a friend or a loved one you can trust about the issues you are getting mad at. Sometimes bottling up all your thoughts leads to getting Angry and Mad and it could end up being physical sometimes.. so best thing to do is talk or write down what you want to say this really helps you to heal yourself and forget the fact that you are getting mad.

Whatever said and done and No Matter how much solutions we do to manage Anger we should remember we are all human beings. Anger is part of us and we really can't live without it. I am also a person who gets mad( often in the past now its slowly decreasing..)and I have also had my own share of incidents where Anger has taken the better of me. But, I have always wanted to stop it so I have done the things I have said before to stop getting Angry. It DOES work. so do give it a try and I am sure it will work for you 2 =).

"Anger is a Monster in Disguise Waiting to Gobble you Down to Hell. Don't let it dot that..Cos You Belong in Heaven not in Hell."

Have a Great Week Ahead Everyone.. =)

Until Next Time


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Lifehouse - Whatever It Takes .." Live "

This song takes my Breath Away.. Every time I listen to It...

Lifehouse.. XOXO !!

Enjoy !! =D

Until Next Time..


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Thank You Sanath..But Your Time is Up !

Sanath Teran Jayasuriya.. The Best Cricketer ever produced by our Motherland.. The Master Blaster .. The Forearm Gladiator.. The Matara Mauler etc etc. we knew he was around during the early 90's ..we began to love him and adore him after 1996.. The fastest 50 .. the fastest 100 (until Boom shaka laka Afridi decided to take it away from him which was SAD !! ) the maximum sixes in an innings .. the highest one day score and the 2nd highest test score for Sri Lanka.. The most experienced cricketer in the world .. He has achieved every monument another cricketer can dream of and he has been a Gem for Sri Lanka and a Great Ambassador for World Cricket.

Now Mr. Sanath Sir I think you should give up and let someone else run the show.. I am not being mean here since you are one of my favorite cricketers of all time But I don't think you can work the magic you did in the past except from your great fielding capabilities which won't be surpassed by any other Sri Lankan Cricketer I am sure..

All the Bowlers today know where to bowl to you... Either a Bouncer to the rip cage or a slower bowl that even foxed the best test batsman in the world today.. Your batting was master class in the past and I still think it is.. But Sir its not effective anymore.. cos everyone knows what to do.. when you come to bat in the crease..

Please think about the rest of the players who are lining in the pack.. Mahela Udawatta has had a stop start career so far but he is a wonderful prospect.. We fans would love to see a new bloke come in to the scene and smash the new bowlers all around the park.. just like you did .. Don't you like to see it 2 ? I mean don't you like to see another player taking your mantel and carrying your name forward ??

Don't let Money be your Ultimate Goal Sir.. I know you can earn plenty from different cricket leagues such as IPL etc etc. But remember you are Star and a Star shines together with other Stars.. and never tries to undo one another.. I am not saying that you are doing it now.. but I fear you will do that in the Future..

So Mr. Sanath Sir.. I think you should think about your future more closely.. Just like Murali and Vaas whom I think did something even Arjuna Ranatunga was not able to do.. I know it will be hard to say Goodbye.. I know that we cricket lovers will miss you like hell when you put your boots up... But what I sincerely think is Sir.. You should think about the Future.. The Future of Sri Lankan Cricket..

So I end this Post with what I believe is a bit of a painful think to say since you are one one of my Favorite Cricketers of All Time.. BUT it's the Hard Truth..

" Thank You Sanath... But Your Time is Up !! "

Until Next Time


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So far So Good with the Facebook Girl and Other News..

I was amazed and happy to see all the Responses and the Good Wishes from All my Blogging Friends regarding my short love story so far with the Facebook Girl =D. I got to say that it's going gr8 so far and I hoping so much this would be the start of something great.. =) Fingers Crossed =D.

In Other News..

I been sick lately and I am so damn upset cos it always happens on Weekends.. Missed two days of work last week but got a 5 day Holiday hehe. Still it's not good but the Good News is the Sugar situation is not that bad as I thought but got to be careful =D

I just love Twitter.. Just want to Tweet even when I go to the toilet sometimes =D. Still.. it's heavy on the Phone Bill so I am controlling myself =D

Guys who think they have a bad complexion should try " Fair and Handsome ". Believe me.. It Works.. =D

Glad that Mahela got a Century at last.. Superb Batting.. Hoping he would get More.. =D

Just did some pretty silly things over the last weekend .. but now I have changed which has made me Happy =D

Two friends are leaving for USA soon and Malli will be going soon 2.. :(

Nangi is getting ready for A/L's wish her All the Best for her exams and I can't believe she is done with school 2..

I believe that Life is a Challenge and Everyone needs Love and from a Special One at that.. and I think I am feeling those emotions which I only used to see in movies till now =)

Have a Gr8 Weekend Peeps and join me on Twitter .. I assure you it's much more fun than following Ashton Kutcher =D

Until Next Time


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Check It.. Check It.. The Facebook Girl.. Accepted my Request.. =D

Remember the Girl to whom I sent a friend request through a Poem ?? (Check out my last Post if you haven't seen the Request yet :P) well she decided to accept it after all today and replied me back =D

Its been a bloody hell of a weekend for me and two days cos I have been down with the flu. I took a blood test on Sunday and the Doc says that I have traces of Sugar :( I am scared of having it so I am hoping I would be fine soon... gonna go for a blood test tomorrow 2 and c the results...

Wish me luck with my Health and with the Gal 2.. :) She is such an Awesome Girl and I would do everything I can do to win her heart.. I feel she is my Julia :P and I have confidence I will win her..

Facebook Thank You for this.. and PLEASE NOTE that if any people of the government reading this PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK FACEBOOK 2.. PLEASE ! =D it's my one and only shot to win this ladies heart and I am sure it will inspire many to do the same in the future.. =D

Have a gr8 week ahead everyone .. May Good Health and Love be upon you All ! =D

Until Next Time


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Building My Brand by Chamindra Hettitantirige is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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