
Eyes burning with fire..
Heart beating fast..

Looks of a Monster
Acting as Dumb..

Planning something Evil
Talking in a friendly voice..

Moving in like a rattle snake..
Waiting just to Bite..

Staying away from the rest
Yet following them silently..

Waiting to get a chance
To get into the headlines..

Emotions filled with Anger..
Heart burning with fire..

Its just not love..
It's just poison...

So Be Aware...

Until Next Time


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9:38 PM

it's pretty twisted how an emotion like envy can make monsters out of men.


11:02 AM

@Black: Totally Black and it's really scary that's when u gotta stay away from them cos u don't know what they are up to

Creative Commons License
Building My Brand by Chamindra Hettitantirige is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at chamindra.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://chamindra.blogspot.com/.