"Is Money Everything ?? "

As a popular track sung by Meja perfectly say, its all about the money for many people who are living today. Just take our cricket team for example most of them got auctioned at the recent auction in India for big bucks and most of them paychecks that most of us can dream of receiving.But with money people are loosing some important qualities and values.

People today have become more indulged on making money which has made them forget the important things in life. Most people have forgotten what are their responsibilities and tasks and mostly they have forgotten to enjoy life which was given to them by god for a reason.

Just take our cricket team for example, during the past our team used to win matches and think of winning first before getting paid. Now its all gone horribly wrong for them with losing every match they play while still getting a hefty paycheck.This is just one example and I can point out of many ( take Microsoft Bid to take Yahoo ) which contributes to this situation and to say the least the situation is getting pathetic day by day.

So what can we do about this? I guess we cant do anything cos everyone will say that they are doing this in order to survive. but why has money become such an important factor that even can decide peoples lives??? This I cannot understand and no matter how harder I tried to understand this during the past few days its not working. This trend is dangerous cos in the future you don t know what people will do to earn money. its pathetic, its sad.. Its frightening

Whatever happens Money has become the main course of life these days and as the song says "Its All About The Money" but I would like to end this post as I began with a thought for everyone of u to ponder

"Is Money Everything ??"

Until next time


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  Lady divine

1:05 AM

hmm.. you can argue that both ways.. but once you start running the race of life and work, it's all that people tend to care about men.. sad fact of life...

I hardly earn anything much to be honest, but I work to gather the experience... and someday I do fear I might fall into it, once I'm on my own and running the damned race... im still a little girl..:p


12:58 AM

LD: Yea u got a point Lady D when looking I guess money has become a commodity that determines peoples lives these days I guess that the reason behind the whole scenario that I written in my post...

I am doing the same thing as you for the moment and I guess we are still young to understand the real value of money aren't we? hehe lets wait and see but I am sure we will also get into the rat race very soon as life goes on :D


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Building My Brand by Chamindra Hettitantirige is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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