Random Rantings About " Boys.. "

As promised here are the Random Rantings About Boys. :)


Were created by God for Unknown reasons until he decided to create Girls. (It's an obvious statement I guess when we look at the first ranting about Girls)

Are thought to be Physically Superior than But most of the time are Weaker in Brains compared to Girls

Does get angry easily and most of the time have problems when it comes to controlling their emotions.

Are called "Players" when they have more than one girlfriend which most of the time increase their sex appeal and motivates more gals to get that guy to be their boyfriend

Can do anything if they have the will , courage and self confidence to do those things.

Do cry when the necessity arise, Most of them cry silently hiding from the rest mainly due to their shyness to show their real emotions and their belief of Men Don't Cry in Public. ( which is False..)

Are addicted to one of the following
Playing the Guitar,
Rock Music
Fast Cars.
The ones who are not doesn't like at least one of these things is not a Guy(Most of the time..)

Do have a liking towards other Guys just like Girls liking Girls.. How does this attraction can occur ? ( I dont know ask Elton John :P )

Are Addicted to Beer and without Beer they won't Survive.. ( Smoking comes 2nd in this list.)

Cannot live without Girls.. No matter what they say that they can live without them.

Will always try to kiss their partner on the first date itself.

Are always ready to make their own story and are naive most of the time when they get caught with another girl to their girlfriends..

and Last but not Least...

Boys will always be Boys..

Until Next Time


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  Just Me

6:33 AM

"Weaker in Brains compared to Girls"


HUgs CHamiiiiiiiii



9:55 AM

TCD: hehe it was based on intense observation Sis quite true na :P ( Damn I am supporting the gals now jeeze lol!!)

Hugs 2 Sis


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