I Should Have Been a Lawyer...

Sirawata I should have been a Lawyer you know. I am a talkative Parrot sometimes and can break into a conversation without control and can argue till I win the whole plum.
Numerous times I have been cautioned by my Parents my Friends by telling "Dude Control yourself , Putha Mokada Mei ??"or by pulling my leg or shirt without the notice of others. But the truth of the fact is that I am not short of a word to prove the things I believe on and I would go the whole distance by talking to prove it and convince others (Even in some cases its wrong.).

Once I had the desire to be a lawyer and almost sat for the Law Entrance Exam. In the end I realized it was not the job for me since I had a passion for other things such as IT and writing =D.( I am glad I made that choice =D).

Still I am not short of a word.Last Night I was arguing with a bunch of Indians regarding the Test Match and I only stopped because they never replied me back =D. Guess they knew they cannot talk with 1 Sri Lankan who had the balls to show them that we are not pussies like them =D.

The Talking Parrot Won =D and Maybe in the Next Life Time I can be a Lawyer and win some cases and make the whole world happy =D.

Hope everyone is having a Fabulous Week. =D

Until Next Time


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Building My Brand by Chamindra Hettitantirige is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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